Below is a list of projects and articles I hope to finish in 2019. I intend to finish at least 15 of these projects. Ideas on this list are intentionally vague. I do not want to spend so much time writing descriptions that it takes me away from the project itself. I am using a public list (rather than a private one) as a form of commitment device.
Because I have suffered from “side project A.D.D.” in years past, I will not change the contents of this list in 2019.
- Finish the media lab at Fox.Build
- A project written in Gambas BASIC
- Guest sign-in kiosk
- Finish the 386 restoration project I started in 2018: Part I, Part II
- Add “recent articles” Instapaper fetcher for my blog.
- Weather station
- A blog article that discusses the problems associated with streaming and cloud computing and the advantages of offline-first computing (see my SSB feed).
- Restore FBJR to its former glory.
- An article describing the history of CGI scripts.
- A Dog collar that converts barks to text messages.
- A list of tools useful for hobby projects. Eg: myjson, and friends
- (Partial, continued in 2020) A project that applies SSB concepts to a practical software package.
General Software Topics
- An article that lists useful offline-first applications that exist today.
- A video or audio blog that covers the topics I learned during my SSB deep dive in 2018.
- A tool to find the best subreddit or hashtag for a particular article using naive bayes algorithm.
- A webhook gateway. Eg: translate a Webhook request to MQTT, email, SMS, etc…
- A “Build Server” for non-javascript tooling ecosystems
- A blog article describing the Typescript unknown type
- An SVG quick reference
- A GUI based RabbitMQ config builder
- An article explaining how to write tests for your typescript project in 2019
- An article describing how to get involved with an OSS project.
- A toolkit for static site owners
Retrocomputing and Forth
- Write a networked windows 3.1 application on real hardware
- An article documenting my peculiar habit of reading old computer science books in modern times.
- Forth stack juggling as a competitive game, possibly using the Ramen game engine.
- A survey of user definable software methodologies
- A project like this one (or this one) but for JS or Ruby ASTs.
- An article that takes a deep dive into FlashForth interrupts.
- A Forth-compatible visual programming environment
- A real-world application of ShiftForth or similar project.
- Run RetroBSD on a real device.
- Build an RC2014, Maximite, Fignition, PE6502 or similar CPU
Fun and Art
- A hardware punch clock
- A tutorial on how to start a makerspace.
- A Maslow CNC cart
- A retro-inspired Raspberry Pi case.
- A Metal detector add-on project
- Writeup about Arduino sonar project I built years ago.
- A “printer” farmware farmbot landscape printer
- Basic Ruby class as requested by members of
Misc and Meta
- Get off of twitter and explain alternatives such as TLDR, SSB, etc…
- Clean up the blog, possibly migrating to Publiii / SSB viewer for better photo management.
- A “listening first” spaced repetition system.
- A better desktop MQTT client.